Friday, January 24, 2014

The boy cat named Lucy.

So my fiancĂ© and I were blessed with the sweetest baby kitten in October. My sister had a photo shoot up in the mountains and she found this abandoned, starving baby kitten. Being the wonderful animal lover that she is, she called me asking if I would give it a home. Dean and I immediately agreed, named her Lucy (after we were told it was a girl) and the sweet kitten has been living in our home ever since. 
We have yet to take the kitten to the vet to get it fixed (college students=no time) and my mother came over to the house to see her today. After she took one look at Lucy she said, "Talor, I think Lucy is a boy." 
Later tonight we decided to look up the differences between a female/male cat. Turns out Lucy is a boy. And I know a lot of you are thinking that we are idiots, but come on, it's our first pet and we were told by my sister (who is used to dogs/dog anatomy) that it was a girl. How were we supposed to know?!? 
So now we have the most divalicious male cat that has ever lived and he will continue being treated like the precious diva that he is. 
Now I will try to refrain from posting a million pictures of my baby prince(ess)? 

The day Lucy was saved. 

Look at that baby!!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure that is the CUTEST cat I have ever seen. EVER!
